April 6, 2021 Hearing



1.            SB 343   Allen      Environmental advertising: recycling symbol.

2.            SB 454   Bates     Child support: enforcement.

3.            SB 676   Bates     Civil actions: forcible entry, forcible detainer, or unlawful detainer. This bill has been pulled.

4.            SB 62     Durazo  Employment: garment manufacturing.

5.            SB 352   Eggman The military: sexual harassment.

6.            SB 507   Eggman Mental health services: assisted outpatient treatment.

7.            SB 516   Eggman Certification for intensive treatment: review hearing.

8.            SB 782   Glazer   Assisted outpatient treatment programs.

9.            SB 606   Gonzalez             Workplace safety: violations of statutes: enterprise-wide

violations: employer retaliation.

10.          SB 774   Hertzberg            Lawyer-client privilege: Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

11.          SB 687   Hueso   Emergency response: trauma kits.

12.          SJR 2      Hueso   Immigration reform.

13.          SB 703   Hurtado               Diseased animals: laboratory services.

14.          SB 218   Jones    Corporations: ratification or validation of noncompliant corporate actions.

15.          SB 647   Laird      Unruh Civil Rights Act: violations: service of process: Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

16.          SB 278   Leyva    Public Employees’ Retirement System: disallowed compensation: benefit adjustments.

17.          SB 391   Min        Common interest developments: emergency powers and procedures. (Urgency)

18.          SB 315   Roth      Revocable transfer on death deeds.

19.          SB 310   Rubio    Unused medications: cancer medication recycling.

20.          SB 538   Rubio    Domestic violence and gun violence restraining orders.

21.          SB 746   Skinner California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018: personal information: political purpose.

22.          SB 233   Umberg               Protective proceedings: compromise of minor’s disputed claim.

23.          SB 349   Umberg               California Ethical Treatment for Persons with Addiction Act.

24.          SB 361   Umberg               Electronic transactions: motor vehicle finance.

25.          SB 665   Umberg               Employment policy: voluntary veterans’ preference.

26.          SB 666   Umberg               Service of papers: electronic service by court.

27.          SB 688   Wieckowski        Civil actions: judgments by confession.

28.          SB 762   Wieckowski        Arbitration: fees and costs: invoicing.

29.          SB 807   Wieckowski        Enforcement of civil rights: Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

30.          SB 252   Wiener Toxicological testing on dogs and cats.

Committee Address
