June 28, 2022 Bill Hearing


1.            AB 2584                Berman    Recall elections.

2.            AB 2313                Bloom      Water: judges and adjudications.

3.            AB 2791                Bloom      Sheriffs: service of process and notices.

4.            AB 252                  Mia Bonta           Floating home marinas: rent caps.

5.            AB 2849                Mia Bonta           The Promote Ownership by Workers for Economic Recovery Act.

6.            AB 1735                Bryan    Foster care: rights.

7.            AB 1871                Calderon              Vehicle history reports.

8.            AB 2372                Calderon              Insurance: privacy notices.

9.            AB 2665                Carrillo  Child welfare system: racial disparities.

10.          AB 2502                Cervantes           Foster care.

11.          AB 1780                Chen     Corporations: electronic transmissions by corporations: shareholders’ meetings: location.

12.          AB 2493                Chen     County employees’ retirement: disallowed compensation: benefit adjustments.

13.          AB 1667                Cooper     State Teachers’ Retirement System: administration.

14.          AB 2408                Cunningham      Social media platform: child users: addiction.

15.          ACR 95                  Cunningham      California Law Revision Commission: studies: antitrust.

16.          AB 1681                Daly       Insurance: fraud prevention and detection.

17.          AB 2026                Friedman             Recycling: plastic packaging.

18.          AB 587                  Gabriel    Social media companies: terms of service.

19.          AB 1991                Gabriel    Motels and hotels: publicly funded shelter programs.

20.          AB 2677                Gabriel    Information Practices Act of 1977.

21.          AB 2847                Eduardo    Garcia Unemployment: Excluded Workers Pilot Program.

22.          AB 2338                Gipson  Health care decisions: decisionmakers and surrogates.

23.          AB 2001                Grayson               California Financing Law: remote work.

24.          AB 2269             Grayson               Digital financial asset businesses: regulation. [This analysis has been updated as of 7:05pm on 6/27/22 due to an error in the amendments on page 21.]

25.          AB 257                  Holden    Food facilities and employment.

26.          AB 2440             Irwin      Responsible Battery Recycling Act of 2022.

27.          AB 2673                Irwin      Hospice licensure: moratorium on new licenses.

28.          AB 2383                Jones-Sawyer    Rental housing unlawful housing practices: applications: criminal history information.

29.          AB 437                  Kalra      Employee obligations: exclusivity requirements: actors.

30.          AB 983                  Kalra      Employee obligations: exclusivity options. [This analysis has been updated as of 9:40am due to an error in the opposition on page 14.]

31.          AB 2524                Kalra      Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority: employee relations.

32.          AB 2164                Lee         Disability access: certified access specialist program: funding.

33.          AB 2206                Lee         Nonattainment basins: employee parking: parking cash-out program.

34.          AB 2841                Low        Disqualification from voting.

35.          AB 2879                Low        Online content: Students: cyberbullying. [Please note this analysis has been updated as of 1:15pm on 6/27/22 due to an error on the amendments in page 8.]

36.          AB 2311                Maienschein      Motor vehicle conditional sale contracts: guaranteed asset protection waivers.

37.          AB 1813                Medina    State Athletic Commission Act: officers and personnel.

38.          AB 1901                Nazarian              Dog training services: disclosure requirement.

39.          AB 1628                Ramos     Online platforms: electronic content management: controlled substances.

40.          AB 2317                Ramos     Children’s psychiatric residential treatment facilities.  [This bill has been pulled.]

41.          AB 1742                Robert Rivas       California Cigarette Fire Safety and Firefighter Protection Act: Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.

42.          AB 1959                Agriculture          Food and agriculture: omnibus bill.

43.          AB 1410                Rodriguez            Associations: declared emergency: protected uses: regulation.

44.          AB 2424                Blanca Rubio      Credit services organizations.

45.          AB 2449                Blanca Rubio      Open meetings: local agencies: teleconferences.

46.          AB 1881                Santiago               Animal welfare: Dog and Cat Bill of Rights.

47.          AB 2242             Santiago               Mental health services.

48.          AB 2521                Santiago               Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, or Intersex Fund.

49.          AB 2910*             Santiago               Nonvehicular air pollution: civil penalties.

50.          AB 2728                Smith    Unlawful cannabis activity: penalties.

51.          AB 1577                Stone    Collective bargaining: Legislature.

52.          AB 1766                Stone    Department of Motor Vehicles: identification cards.

53.          AB 2183                Stone    Agricultural labor relations.

54.          AB 2962                Judiciary               Court records: fees.

55.          AB 2784                Ting        Solid waste: thermoform plastic containers: postconsumer thermoform recycled plastic.

56.          AB 1775                Ward     Occupational safety: live events.

57.          AB 1972                Ward     Grand juries.

58.          AB 2134                Akilah Weber     Reproductive health care.

59.          AB 1897*             Wicks    Nonvehicular air pollution control: civil penalties: refineries.

60.          AB 2273                Wicks    The California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act.

61.          AB 2275                Wood    Mental health: involuntary commitment.