1. | SB 537 | Becker | Open meetings: multijurisdictional, cross-county agencies: teleconferences. (Urgency) [pdf] |
2. | SB 278 | Dodd | Elder abuse. [pdf] |
3. | SB 393 | Glazer | California Environmental Quality Act: judicial challenge: identification of contributors: housing projects. [pdf] |
4. | SB 727 | Limón | Human trafficking: civil actions. [pdf] |
5. | SB 455 | McGuire | State of emergency: mortgage servicers: written disclosure. [pdf] |
6. | SB 611 | Menjivar | Advertisement of residential rental properties. [pdf] |
7. | SB 411 | Portantino | Open meetings: teleconferences: neighborhood councils. (Urgency) [pdf] |
8. | SB 439 | Skinner | Special motions to strike: priority housing development projects. [pdf] |
9. | SB 801 | Allen | California Uniform Directed Trust Act. [pdf] |
10. | SB 666 | Min | Small business: commercial financing transactions. [pdf] |
11. | SB 585 | Niello | Disability access: construction-related accessibility claims: statutory damages: attorney’s fees and costs. [pdf] |
12. | SB 40 | Umberg | State Bar: annual license fees. [pdf] |
13. | SB 42 | Umberg | Attorneys: reporting professional misconduct. [pdf] |